Claiming my Joy!


"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy will soon come in the morning". 
Psalm 30:5

I don't mind a good cry. Sometimes it is needed, but there comes a time when you get tired of crying, you get tired of being sad, and you get tired of being tired. The last 10 years were filled with crying, being sad, and depressed. I was really feeling like the pain and heartache I felt would never end. I felt stuck in my life until one day I decided I was going to choose joy over sadness. I decided to truly put my trust in God because he has never failed me, even when I didn't think he was listening to me. 

In this season of my life, I've decided to try some new things, change some things, and get rid of things that are in my life that are not good for me. I am an introvert, but I have decided to step out of my comfort zone and open myself to new possibilities, and all that God has for me. I am not saying it will be easy to do because there are days when I feel extremely lonely, and the doubt starts to poke its little head up, but I have to shake it off. My heavenly loved ones would not want me to stay grieving for them so long that I stop living my life.

What am I doing in this new season? If you happen to come across this blog- this is me taking my first step to do something I have always wanted to do. One of my dreams was to write a book. Now, I know this is not a book, but it is a start, and I applaud myself for doing it. I feel joy just because I stepped out on faith, and if one person eventually reads this, then it is something to celebrate. The point is........I am choosing joy. I am choosing to live beyond loss. It is not over. God is saving the best for last!

Image by <a href="">John Hain</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>
